Saturday, April 16, 2011

A new Moor’s Survey on Expatriation

When dealing with the issue of Moorish Americans ( Moors born in America) and Expatriation. The issue of taxes is only one small issue in the entire construct of why one should expatriate. Expatriation (in abbreviated form, expat “not expatri” some argue that the “Patri” denotes patriarchal and allege that we are not patriarchal so we shouldn’t have to expatriate, the Moorish Questionnaire from the M.S.T.A. provides a question and answer “What is the title to our Ruler in Morocco?” and the answer is “Sultan” historically there were no female Sultans, today Morocco’s ruler chooses the title “King”) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing or legal residence. We must understand as Moorish Americans that were forced into a nation based off our civic ignorance and the fraud of our birth certificates. This forced action is what is called involuntary servitude.  Even while apart of this socio-economic construct, under a fictitious socio political construct we still are not treated as members of the human race, but members of the Black race, or Negroes are not attached to any nation in Africa. Quite interesting when the Black race is a U.S. construct and category for a minority political body apart of their nation.
All things Considered, we now are in a situation in which the very construct that enslaved us, Requires that we continue to pay for that enslavement. We are forced at gun point on the side of the road to sign contracts, or face being abducted and held captive for years in prison and penile institutions that are deemed private and profitable. Expatriation is not the answer to the prison and penile institutions, but it is a mere step towards the enjoyment of treaty birth rights and a solution to being wrongfully classified as a Black U.S. citizen, however non u.s. citizen foreign nationals are a minority in domestic U.S. prison institutions.  What is occurring is not law in any form, such institutions are corporate in nature, Expatriating is only stating that i now know where my allegiance is with a Moorish Nation.  Morocco and Mauritania are Moorish Nations in Africa. What is a Moorish Nation, you may ask?  I say a Nation found for Moors and by Moors. A nation with a Constitution signed bearing Moorish signature and seals.
I was born a Moor. Expatriation from the U.S. demonstrates that I am a Foreign National and not a Citizen of the United States as so many of my brethren maybe. Expatriation is voluntary process just as Naturalization or Nationalization is and no one can tell me who or what nation my allegiance is too but me, myself and I. What’s right for me may not be right for you. The United States Constitution secures treaties that pertains to Moors and applies generally to Foreign Nationals, Indians and the citizens of the several U.S. States. I am a member of the human race with a National Origin foreign and ally to the United States and not three fifths of a man and not to be treated as such. Proclaiming my National Origin is me saying that I belong to a Nation and have now devoted my attentions to the upliftment of my brothers and sisters in bondage. I conclude with a famous quote from Harriet Tubman who after leading many slaves to freedom quotes: “I could have save thousands more if they knew they were slaves”.
Moorish American Party
Caliphate of Amexem, Murakush

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